.. _data-files: ###################### Optional data packages ###################### The source code has some very small data files to run the tests with, but it doesn't include larger example data files, or the all-important brain templates we all use. You can find packages for the optional data and template files at http://nipy.org/data-packages. If you don't have these packages, then, when you run nipy installation, you will probably see messages pointing you to the packages you need. ********************************************* Data package installation as an administrator ********************************************* The installation procedure, for now, is very basic. For example, let us say that you need the 'nipy-templates' package at http://nipy.org/data-packages/nipy-templates-0.3.tar.gz . You simply download this archive, unpack it, and then run the standard ``python setup.py install`` on it. On a unix system this might look like:: # curl -L flag to follow redirect; can also use wget curl -OL http://nipy.org/data-packages/nipy-templates-0.3.tar.gz tar zxvf nipy-templates-0.3.tar.gz cd nipy-templates-0.3 sudo python setup.py install Or you may want the `nipy-data` package, in which case:: curl -OL http://nipy.org/data-packages/nipy-data-0.3.tar.gz On windows, download the file, extract the archive to a folder using the GUI, and then, using the windows shell or similar:: cd c:\path\to\extracted\files python setup.py install ******************************************* Non-administrator data package installation ******************************************* The simple ugly manual way ========================== These are instructions for using the command line in Unix. You can do similar things from Windows powershell. * Locate your nipy user directory from the output of this:: python -c 'import nibabel.data; print(nibabel.data.get_nipy_user_dir())' Call that directory ````. Let's imagine that, for you, this is ``~/.nipy``. * Make a subdirectory ``nipy`` in your ```` directory. In Unix you could use:: mkdir -p ~/.nipy/nipy where the ``-p`` flag tells Unix to make any necessary parent directories. * Go to http://nipy.org/data-packages * Download the latest *nipy-templates* and *nipy-data* packages, to some directory. You can do this via the GUI, or on the command line (in Unix):: cd ~/Downloads curl -OL http://nipy.org/data-packages/nipy-templates-0.3.tar.gz curl -OL http://nipy.org/data-packages/nipy-data-0.3.tar.gz * Unpack both of these:: tar zxvf nipy-data-0.3.tar.gz tar zxvf nipy-templates-0.3.tar.gz * After you have unpacked the templates, you will have a directory called something like ``nipy-templates-0.3``. In that directory you should see a subdirectory called ``templates``. Copy / move / link the ``templates`` subdirectory into ``/nipy``, so you now have a directory ``/nipy/templates``. From unpacking the data, you should also have a directory like ``nipy-data-0.3`` with a subdirectory ``data``. Copy / move / link that ``data`` directory into ``/nipy`` as well. For example:: cp -r nipy-data-0.3/data ~/.nipy/nipy cp -r nipy-templates-0.3/templates ~/.nipy/nipy * Check whether that worked. Run the following command from the shell:: python -c 'import nipy.utils; print(nipy.utils.example_data, nipy.utils.templates)' It should show something like:: (, ) If it shows ``Bomber`` objects instead, something is wrong. Go back and check that you have the nipy home directory right, and that you have directories ``/nipy/data`` and ``/nipy/templates>``, and that each of these two directories have a file ``config.ini`` in them. The more general way ==================== The commands for the system install above assume you are installing into the default system directories. If you want to install into a custom directory, then (in python, or ipython, or a text editor) look at the help for ``nibabel.data.get_data_path()`` . There are instructions there for pointing your nipy installation to the installed data. On unix ------- For example, say you installed with:: cd nipy-templates-0.3 python setup.py install --prefix=/home/my-user/some-dir Then you may want to do make a file ``~/.nipy/config.ini`` with the following contents:: [DATA] path=/home/my-user/some-dir/share/nipy On windows ---------- Say you installed with (windows shell):: cd nipy-templates-0.3 python setup.py install --prefix=c:\some\path Then first, find out your home directory:: python -c "import os; print os.path.expanduser('~')" Let's say that was ``c:\Documents and Settings\My User``. Then, make a new file called ``c:\Documents and Settings\My User\_nipy\config.ini`` with contents:: [DATA] path=c:\some\path\share\nipy