######################### BrainVoyager file formats ######################### With notes on nibabel support. PR for some BrainVoyager support at https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/pull/216. ******** Overview ******** See : * All files are little-endian byte order regardless of byte-order on the machine writing the data; * BV apparently provides a "BVQXtools" library for reading writing BV files in MATLAB; .. _bv-internal-axes: *********************** BV internal format axes *********************** BV files have a internal format that has axes named `X`, `Y` and `Z`. Quoting from the `VMR format definition`_:: BV X front -> back = Y in Tal space BV Y top -> bottom = Z in Tal space BV Z left -> right = X in Tal space Put another way |--| the correspondence of BV XYZ to Talairach axes is: * BV X -> Anterior to Posterior; * BV Y -> Superior to Inferior; * BV Z -> Left to Right. or: * BV X -> Talairach -Y; * BV Y -> Talairach -Z; * BV Z -> Talairach X; Nice! ***************** Types of BV files ***************** There appear to be 38 BV file types at the time of writing of which 18 appear to have a page of description on the `BV file format index page`_. Here are some examples of BV formats: * FMR |--| "FMR project files are simple text files containing the information defining a functional project created from raw MRI data". This text file contains meta-data about the functional time course data, stored in one or more STC files. See the `FMR format definition`_. * STC |--| "A STC file (STC = "slice time course") contains the functional data (time series) of a FMR project." The time-course data of a 4D ("single-slice") format STC file are stored on disk in fastest-to-slowest-changing order: columns, rows, time, slice. STC files can also contain the data for one single slice ("multi-slice format"), in which case the data are in fast-to-slow order: columns, rows, time. This is a raw data file where the relevant meta-data such as image size come from an associated FMR format file. See `STC format definition`_; * VTC |--| "A VTC file contains the functional data (time series) of one experimental run (one functional scan) in the space of a 3D anatomical data set (VMR), e.g. in Talairach space.". See `VTC format definition`_; This is a different format to the STC (raw data in native-space) format. The file is a header followed by ints or floats in fastest-to-slowest-changing order of: time; BV X; BV Y; BV Z; where BV X, BV Y, BV Z refer to the :ref:`bv-internal-axes`, and therefore Talairach -Y, -Z, X. * NR-VMP |--| "A native resolution volume map (NR-VMP) file contains statistical results in 3D format.". See `NR-VMP format definition`_ * AR-VMP |--| "An anatomical-resolution VMP (volume map) file contains statistical results in 3D format" at anatomical scan resolution. See `AR-VMP format definition`_; * VMR |--| 'high-resolution anatomical MR' - see `VMR format definition`_. * MSK |--| mask file. Only documentation appears to be http://www.brainvoyager.com/ubb/Forum8/HTML/000087.html * SMP |--| 'surface map'. See `SMP format definition`_. Contains one or more "maps", where a map is a ``NrOfVertices`` (number of vertices) length vector of float64 values. .. _BV file format index page: http://support.brainvoyager.com/automation-aamp-development/23-file-formats.html .. _AR-VMP format definition: http://support.brainvoyager.com/automation-aamp-development/23-file-formats/376-users-guide-23-the-format-of-ar-vmp-files.html .. _NR-VMP format definition: http://support.brainvoyager.com/automation-aamp-development/23-file-formats/377-users-guide-23-the-format-of-nr-vmp-files.html .. _VTC format definition: http://support.brainvoyager.com/automation-aamp-development/23-file-formats/379-users-guide-23-the-format-of-vtc-files.html .. _BV file format overview: http://support.brainvoyager.com/automation-aamp-development/23-file-formats/382-developer-guide-26-file-formats-overview.html .. _FMR format definition: http://support.brainvoyager.com/installation-introduction/23-file-formats/383-developer-guide-26-the-format-of-fmr-files.html .. _STC format definition: http://support.brainvoyager.com/automation-aamp-development/23-file-formats/384-developer-guide-26-the-format-of-stc-files.html .. _vmr format definition: http://support.brainvoyager.com/automation-aamp-development/23-file-formats/385-developer-guide-26-the-format-of-vmr-files.html .. _SMP format definition: : http://support.brainvoyager.com/automation-aamp-development/23-file-formats/476-the-format-of-smp-files.html .. include:: ../links_names.txt