=================== DICOM information =================== DICOM_ is a large and sometimes confusing imaging data format. In the other pages in this series we try and document our understanding of various aspects of DICOM relevant to converting to formats such as NIfTI_ . There are a large number of DICOM_ image conversion programs already, partly because it is a complicated format with features that vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. We use the excellent PyDICOM_ as our back-end for reading DICOM. Here is a selected list of other tools and relevant resources: * Grassroots DICOM : GDCM_ . It is C++ code wrapped with swig_ and so callable from Python. ITK_ apparently uses it for DICOM conversion. BSD_ license. * dcm2nii_ - a BSD_ licensed converter by Chris Rorden. As usual, Chris has done an excellent job of documentation, and it is well battle-tested. There's a nice set of example data to test against and a list of other DICOM software. The `MRIcron install`_ page points to the source code. Chris has also put effort into extracting diffusion parameters from the DICOM images. * SPM8_ - SPM has a stable and robust general DICOM conversion tool implemented in the ``spm_dicom_convert.m`` and ``spm_dicom_headers.m`` scripts. The conversions don't try to get the diffusion parameters. The code is particularly useful because it has been well-tested and is written in Matlab_ - and so is relatively easy to read. GPL_ license. We've described some of the algorithms that SPM uses for DICOM conversion in :ref:`spm-dicom`. * DICOM2Nrrd_: a command line converter to convert DICOM images to Nrrd_ format. You can call the command from within the Slicer_ GUI. It does have algorithms for getting diffusion information from the DICOM headers, and has been tested with Philips, GE and Siemens data. It's not clear whether it yet supports the :ref:`dicom-mosaic`. BSD_ style license. * The famous Philips cookbook: https://www.archive.org/details/DicomCookbook * http://dicom.online.fr/fr/dicomlinks.htm =============== Sample images =============== * http://www.barre.nom.fr/medical/samples/ * http://pubimage.hcuge.ch:8080/ * Via links from the dcm2nii_ page. .. include:: ../links_names.txt