Module: labs.spatial_models.parcel_io
Utility functions for mutli-subjectParcellation: this basically uses nipy io lib to perform IO opermation in parcel definition processes
- nipy.labs.spatial_models.parcel_io.fixed_parcellation(mask_image, betas, nbparcel, nn=6, method='ward', write_dir=None, mu=10.0, verbose=0, fullpath=None)¶
Fixed parcellation of a given dataset
- Parameters:
- domain/mask_image
- betas: list of paths to activation images from the subject
- nbparcel, intnumber of desired parcels
- nn=6: number of nearest neighbors to define the image topology
(6, 18 or 26)
- method=’ward’: clustering method used, to be chosen among
‘ward’, ‘gkm’, ‘ward_and-gkm’ ‘ward’: Ward’s clustering algorithm ‘gkm’: Geodesic k-means algorithm, random initialization ‘gkm_and_ward’: idem, initialized by Ward’s clustering
- write_di: string, topional, write directory.
If fullpath is None too, then no file output.
- mu = 10., float: the relative weight of anatomical information
- verbose=0: verbosity mode
- fullpath=None, string,
path of the output image If write_dir and fullpath are None then no file output. If only fullpath is None then it is the write dir + a name depending on the method.
Ward’s method takes time (about 6 minutes for a 60K voxels dataset)
Geodesic k-means is ‘quick and dirty’
Ward’s + GKM is expensive but quite good
To reduce CPU time, rather use nn=6 (especially with Ward)
- nipy.labs.spatial_models.parcel_io.mask_parcellation(mask_images, nb_parcel, threshold=0, output_image=None)¶
Performs the parcellation of a certain mask
- Parameters:
- mask_images: string or Nifti1Image or list of strings/Nifti1Images,
paths of mask image(s) that define(s) the common space.
- nb_parcel: int,
number of desired parcels
- threshold: float, optional,
level of intersection of the masks
- output_image: string, optional
path of the output image
- Returns:
- wim: Nifti1Imagine instance, representing the resulting parcellation
- nipy.labs.spatial_models.parcel_io.parcel_input(mask_images, learning_images, ths=0.5, fdim=None)¶
Instantiating a Parcel structure from a give set of input
- Parameters:
- mask_images: string or Nifti1Image or list of strings/Nifti1Images,
paths of mask image(s) that define(s) the common space.
- learning_images: (nb_subject-) list of (nb_feature-) list of strings,
paths of feature images used as input to the parcellation procedure
- ths=.5: threshold to select the regions that are common across subjects.
if ths = .5, thethreshold is half the number of subjects
- fdim: int, optional
if nb_feature (the dimension of the data) used in subsequent analyses if greater than fdim, a PCA is performed to reduce the information in the data Byd efault, no reduction is performed
- Returns:
- domaindiscrete_domain.DiscreteDomain instance
that stores the spatial information on the parcelled domain
- feature: (nb_subect-) list of arrays of shape (domain.size, fdim)
feature information available to parcellate the data
- nipy.labs.spatial_models.parcel_io.parcellation_based_analysis(Pa, test_images, test_id='one_sample', rfx_path=None, condition_id='', swd=None)¶
This function computes parcel averages and RFX at the parcel-level
- Parameters:
- Pa: MultiSubjectParcellation instance
the description of the parcellation
- test_images: (Pa.nb_subj-) list of paths
paths of images used in the inference procedure
- test_id: string, optional,
if test_id==’one_sample’, the one_sample statstic is computed otherwise, the parcel-based signal averages are returned
- rfx_path: string optional,
path of the resulting one-sample test image, if applicable
- swd: string, optional
output directory used to compute output path if rfx_path is not given
- condition_id: string, optional,
contrast/condition id used to compute output path
- Returns:
- test_data: array of shape(Pa.nb_parcel, Pa.nb_subj)
the parcel-level signal average if test is not ‘one_sample’
- prfx: array of shape(Pa.nb_parcel),
the one-sample t-value if test_id is ‘one_sample’
- nipy.labs.spatial_models.parcel_io.write_parcellation_images(Pa, template_path=None, indiv_path=None, subject_id=None, swd=None)¶
Write images that describe the spatial structure of the parcellation
- Parameters:
- PaMultiSubjectParcellation instance,
the description of the parcellation
- template_path: string, optional,
path of the group-level parcellation image
- indiv_path: list of strings, optional
paths of the individual parcellation images
- subject_id: list of strings of length Pa.nb_subj
subject identifiers, used to infer the paths when not available
- swd: string, optional
output directory used to infer the paths when these are not available