Module: modalities.fmri.utils
Inheritance diagram for nipy.modalities.fmri.utils

This module defines some convenience functions of time.
interp : an expression for a interpolated function of time
- linear_interpan expression for a linearly interpolated function of
step_function : an expression for a step function of time
events : a convenience function to generate sums of events
blocks : a convenience function to generate sums of blocks
convolve_functions : numerically convolve two functions of time
fourier_basis : a convenience function to generate a Fourier basis
- class nipy.modalities.fmri.utils.Interp1dNumeric(x, y, kind='linear', axis=-1, copy=True, bounds_error=None, fill_value=nan, assume_sorted=False)¶
Wrapper for interp1 to raise TypeError for object array input
We need this because sympy will try to evaluate interpolated functions when constructing expressions involving floats. At least sympy 1.0 only accepts TypeError or AttributeError as indication that the implemented value cannot be sampled with the sympy expression. Therefore, raise a TypeError directly for an input giving an object array (such as a sympy expression), rather than letting interp1d raise a ValueError.
- __init__(x, y, kind='linear', axis=-1, copy=True, bounds_error=None, fill_value=nan, assume_sorted=False)¶
Initialize a 1-D linear interpolation class.
- dtype¶
- property fill_value¶
The fill value.
- class nipy.modalities.fmri.utils.TimeConvolver(expr, support, delta, fill=0)¶
Make a convolution kernel from a symbolic function of t
A convolution kernel is a function with extra attributes to allow it to function as a kernel for numerical convolution (see
).- Parameters:
- exprsympy expression
An expression that is a function of t only.
- support2 sequence
Sequence is
(low, high)
where expression is defined betweenlow
, and can be assumed to be fill otherwise- deltafloat
smallest change in domain of expr to use for numerical evaluation of expr
- __init__(expr, support, delta, fill=0)¶
- convolve(g, g_interval, name=None, **kwargs)¶
Convolve sympy expression g with this kernel
- Parameters:
- gsympy expr
An expression that is a function of t only.
- g_interval(2,) sequence of floats
Start and end of the interval of t over which to convolve g
- nameNone or str, optional
Name of the convolved function in the resulting expression. Defaults to one created by
.- **kwargskeyword args, optional
Any other arguments to pass to the
function in creating the numerical function for fg.
- Returns:
- fgsympy expr
An symbolic expression that is a function of t only, and that can be lambdified to produce a function returning the convolved series from an input array.
- nipy.modalities.fmri.utils.blocks(intervals, amplitudes=None, name=None)¶
Step function based on a sequence of intervals.
- Parameters:
- intervals(S,) sequence of (2,) sequences
Sequence (S0, S1, … S(N-1)) of sequences, where S0 (etc) are sequences of length 2, giving ‘on’ and ‘off’ times of block
- amplitudes(S,) sequence of float, optional
Optional amplitudes for each block. Defaults to 1.
- nameNone or str, optional
Name of the convolved function in the resulting expression. Defaults to one created by
- Returns:
- b_of_tsympy expr
Sympy expression b(t) where b is a sympy anonymous function of time that implements the block step function
>>> on_off = [[1,2],[3,4]] >>> tval = np.array([0.4,1.4,2.4,3.4]) >>> b = blocks(on_off) >>> lam = lambdify_t(b) >>> lam(tval) array([ 0., 1., 0., 1.]) >>> b = blocks(on_off, amplitudes=[3,5]) >>> lam = lambdify_t(b) >>> lam(tval) array([ 0., 3., 0., 5.])
- nipy.modalities.fmri.utils.convolve_functions(f, g, f_interval, g_interval, dt, fill=0, name=None, **kwargs)¶
Expression containing numerical convolution of fn1 with fn2
- Parameters:
- fsympy expr
An expression that is a function of t only.
- gsympy expr
An expression that is a function of t only.
- f_interval(2,) sequence of float
The start and end of the interval of t over which to convolve values of f
- g_interval(2,) sequence of floats
Start and end of the interval of t over which to convolve g
- dtfloat
Time step for discretization. We use this for creating the interpolator to form the numerical implementation
- fillNone or float
Value to return from sampling output fg function outside range.
- nameNone or str, optional
Name of the convolved function in the resulting expression. Defaults to one created by
.- **kwargskeyword args, optional
Any other arguments to pass to the
function in creating the numerical function for fg.
- Returns:
- fgsympy expr
An symbolic expression that is a function of t only, and that can be lambdified to produce a function returning the convolved series from an input array.
>>> from nipy.algorithms.statistics.formula.formulae import Term >>> t = Term('t')
This is a square wave on (0,1)
>>> f1 = sympy.Piecewise((0, t <= 0), (1, t < 1), (0, True))
The convolution of
with itself is a triangular wave on [0, 2], peaking at 1 with height 1>>> tri = convolve_functions(f1, f1, [0, 2], [0, 2], 1.0e-3, name='conv')
The result is a symbolic function
>>> print(tri) conv(t)
Get the numerical values for a time vector
>>> ftri = lambdify(t, tri) >>> x = np.arange(0, 2, 0.2) >>> y = ftri(x)
The peak is at 1 >>> x[np.argmax(y)] 1.0
- nipy.modalities.fmri.utils.define(name, expr)¶
Create function of t expression from arbitrary expression expr
Take an arbitrarily complicated expression expr of ‘t’ and make it an expression that is a simple function of t, of form
'%s(t)' % name
such that when it evaluates (vialambdify
) it has the right values.- Parameters:
- exprsympy expression
with only ‘t’ as a Symbol
- namestr
- Returns:
- nexpr: sympy expression
>>> t = Term('t') >>> expr = t**2 + 3*t >>> expr t**2 + 3*t >>> newexpr = define('f', expr) >>> print(newexpr) f(t) >>> f = lambdify_t(newexpr) >>> f(4) 28 >>> 3*4+4**2 28
-, amplitudes=None, f=DiracDelta, g=a)¶
Return a sum of functions based on a sequence of times.
- Parameters:
- timessequence
vector of onsets length \(N\)
- amplitudesNone or sequence length \(N\), optional
Optional sequence of amplitudes. None (default) results in sequence length \(N\) of 1s
- fsympy.Function, optional
Optional function. Defaults to DiracDelta, can be replaced with another function, f, in which case the result is the convolution with f.
- gsympy.Basic, optional
Optional sympy expression function of amplitudes. The amplitudes, should be represented by the symbol ‘a’, which will be substituted, by the corresponding value in amplitudes.
- Returns:
- sum_expressionSympy.Add
Sympy expression of time \(t\), where onsets, as a function of \(t\), have been symbolically convolved with function f, and any function g of corresponding amplitudes.
We import some sympy stuff so we can test if we’ve got what we expected
>>> from sympy import DiracDelta, Symbol, Function >>> from nipy.modalities.fmri.utils import T >>> evs = events([3,6,9]) >>> evs == DiracDelta(-9 + T) + DiracDelta(-6 + T) + DiracDelta(-3 + T) True >>> hrf = Function('hrf') >>> evs = events([3,6,9], f=hrf) >>> evs == hrf(-9 + T) + hrf(-6 + T) + hrf(-3 + T) True >>> evs = events([3,6,9], amplitudes=[2,1,-1]) >>> evs == -DiracDelta(-9 + T) + 2*DiracDelta(-3 + T) + DiracDelta(-6 + T) True
- nipy.modalities.fmri.utils.fourier_basis(freq)¶
sin and cos Formula for Fourier drift
The Fourier basis consists of sine and cosine waves of given frequencies.
- Parameters:
- freqsequence of float
Frequencies for the terms in the Fourier basis.
- Returns:
- fFormula
>>> f=fourier_basis([1,2,3]) >>> f.terms array([cos(2*pi*t), sin(2*pi*t), cos(4*pi*t), sin(4*pi*t), cos(6*pi*t), sin(6*pi*t)], dtype=object) >>> f.mean _b0*cos(2*pi*t) + _b1*sin(2*pi*t) + _b2*cos(4*pi*t) + _b3*sin(4*pi*t) + _b4*cos(6*pi*t) + _b5*sin(6*pi*t)
- nipy.modalities.fmri.utils.interp(times, values, fill=0, name=None, **kw)¶
Generic interpolation function of t given times and values
Imterpolator such that:
f(times[i]) = values[i]
- if t < times[0] or t > times[-1]:
f(t) = fill
for details of interpolation types and other keyword arguments. Default is ‘kind’ is linear, making this function, by default, have the same behavior aslinear_interp
.- Parameters:
- timesarray-like
Increasing sequence of times
- valuesarray-like
Values at the specified times
- fillNone or float, optional
Value on the interval (-np.inf, times[0]). Default 0. If None, raises error outside bounds
- nameNone or str, optional
Name of symbolic expression to use. If None, a default is used.
- **kwkeyword args, optional
passed to
- Returns:
- fsympy expression
A Function of t.
>>> s = interp([0,4,5.],[2.,4,6]) >>> tval = np.array([-0.1,0.1,3.9,4.1,5.1]) >>> res = lambdify_t(s)(tval)
0 outside bounds by default
>>> np.allclose(res, [0, 2.05, 3.95, 4.2, 0]) True
- nipy.modalities.fmri.utils.lambdify_t(expr)¶
Return sympy function of t expr lambdified as function of t
- Parameters:
- exprsympy expr
- Returns:
- funccallable
Numerical implementation of function
- nipy.modalities.fmri.utils.linear_interp(times, values, fill=0, name=None, **kw)¶
Linear interpolation function of t given times and values
Imterpolator such that:
f(times[i]) = values[i]
- if t < times[0] or t > times[-1]:
f(t) = fill
This version of the function enforces the ‘linear’ kind of interpolation (argument to
).- Parameters:
- timesarray-like
Increasing sequence of times
- valuesarray-like
Values at the specified times
- fillNone or float, optional
Value on the interval (-np.inf, times[0]). Default 0. If None, raises error outside bounds
- nameNone or str, optional
Name of symbolic expression to use. If None, a default is used.
- **kwkeyword args, optional
passed to
- Returns:
- fsympy expression
A Function of t.
>>> s = linear_interp([0,4,5.],[2.,4,6]) >>> tval = np.array([-0.1,0.1,3.9,4.1,5.1]) >>> res = lambdify_t(s)(tval)
0 outside bounds by default
>>> np.allclose(res, [0, 2.05, 3.95, 4.2, 0]) True
- nipy.modalities.fmri.utils.step_function(times, values, name=None, fill=0)¶
Right-continuous step function of time t
Function of t such that
f(times[i]) = values[i]
- if t < times[0]:
f(t) = fill
- Parameters:
- times(N,) sequence
Increasing sequence of times
- values(N,) sequence
Values at the specified times
- fillfloat
Value on the interval (-np.inf, times[0])
- namestr
Name of symbolic expression to use. If None, a default is used.
- Returns:
- f_tsympy expr
Sympy expression f(t) where f is a sympy implemented anonymous function of time that implements the step function. To get the numerical version of the function, use
>>> s = step_function([0,4,5],[2,4,6]) >>> tval = np.array([-0.1,3.9,4.1,5.1]) >>> lam = lambdify_t(s) >>> lam(tval) array([ 0., 2., 4., 6.])