Module: algorithms.optimize
- nipy.algorithms.optimize.fmin_steepest(f, x0, fprime=None, xtol=0.0001, ftol=0.0001, maxiter=None, epsilon=1.4901161193847656e-08, callback=None, disp=True)¶
Minimize a function using a steepest gradient descent algorithm. This complements the collection of minimization routines provided in scipy.optimize. Steepest gradient iterations are cheaper than in the conjugate gradient or Newton methods, hence convergence may sometimes turn out faster algthough more iterations are typically needed.
- Parameters:
- fcallable
Function to be minimized
- x0array
Starting point
- fprimecallable
Function that computes the gradient of f
- xtolfloat
Relative tolerance on step sizes in line searches
- ftolfloat
Relative tolerance on function variations
- maxiterint
Maximum number of iterations
- epsilonfloat or ndarray
If fprime is approximated, use this value for the step
- size (can be scalar or vector).
- callbackcallable
Optional function called after each iteration is complete
- dispbool
Print convergence message if True
- Returns:
- xarray
Gradient descent fix point, local minimizer of f